Facts About Völvas

Modern Norse Heathen

1. A völva is a type of shaman/seeress within the Norse religion.

2. In old Norse, ‘völva’ means ‘wand carrier’.

3. Another name for völvas, ‘fjölkunning’, means ‘plenty of knowing’.

4. Völvas practise shamanism, sorcery and prophecy.

5. Historical and mythological depictions show that völvas were held in such high esteem that even Odin himself consulted one, to learn the fates of the gods.

6. In Norse society, a völva was an elderly woman who travelled widely, freely and alone, and was usually summoned during times of crisis – for a rather large fee!

7. Völvas were often considered to have greater authority than aristocratic women, and sometimes even men.

8. Important women would give up their thrones to show respect for a völva.

9. Archaeologists have discovered wands in 40 graves, along with valuable grave offerings, showing that völvas belonged to the highest level of Scandinavian society.

10. Some…

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Cultural Appropriation in the Path of Poisons


Photo 4-4-17 10 00 26We have already spoken about dangers in the Path of Poisons, the implications of Fear, the threat of Addiction, etc. all of those topics which, it was concluded, were caused by great degree of misinformation and lack of real or deep contact with nature dwelling spirits. Now, something that comes up to mind is the existence of cultural appropriation and whether it is possible in the Natural/Spirit world.

A complicated topic, this one. What would we mean when if we spoke about cultural appropriation in the Path of Poisons? Under this category we could consider, in the first place, the misuse of certain plants, a deviation from the customary/ancestral usage of a plant, or not taking the spiritual/folkloric/cultural/territorial context into consideration when dealing with a plant spirit. Spirits, as they have character, have also a cultural legacy that must be taken into account. This does not mean we can generalize when we talk about Spirits…

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Isis, Lady of the Star


One of my favorite tarot images, Isis as The Star in the Ancient Egyptian Tarot by Clive Barrett One of my favorite tarot images: Isis as The Star in the Ancient Egyptian Tarot by Clive Barrett

Some people see Isis in the pale, magical light of the moon.

Some see Her in the golden, lifegiving rays of the sun.

I do find Her there. Oh yes.

But for me, the heavenly body in which I most easily see Her is the star, Her star: Sirius (Sopdet in Egyptian, Sothis in Greek). I can’t help it. And it isn’t just because of Her strong ancient connections with the Fair Star of the Waters, the Herald of the Inundation. It’s something about the way my particular spiritual “stuff” fits with Her particular Divine “stuff.” Her diamond starlight draws me, lures me, illuminates my heart and mind.

I fell in love with Her as Lady of the Star the first time I saw Sirius through a telescope. As I watched, Her brilliant star sparkled with rays of…

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Rewilding & Ecofeminism & The Reclamation of Magic

Gather Victoria


Okay so let’s start by going back to the very beginning – women and wild food. Because once upon a time all food was wild – and it was the women who gathered it. But what we’ve forgotten today was that no aspect of food, from harvest to preparation to consumption, was left untouched by magical ritual. And because the banning of magic, the subjugation of women, the domination of the earth – and the birth of agriculture – all went hand in hand, I see rewilding and food foraging as a site for ecofeminist intervention.

Many ‘rewilders’ seek to return to a more undomesticated state, a time when prehistoric hunter-gatherers lived “in harmony” with the earth. Roaming over the land, these ancestors foraged the food freely provided by the fields and woodlands, rivers and oceans.  Men were mostly in charge of hunting and women were largely responsible for the…

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When a Witch Is Burned

Bewitching New York

Merry Meet! The FTC requires that I give you my Advertising & Affiliate Disclosure, because as of March 2016, I may recommend products I have tried and tested by a company that I am an affiliate for, products I manufacture and sell, or for products I have received in exchange for reviews. Isn’t that neat? And so,  Bewitching New York & Krystal Madison may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website.

Now that that’s out of the way…

do no harm

You see that there? I see this little gem floating around the internet, particularly social media, almost daily. I think it’s bullshit, but I’ll get back to that in a minute or two. (This is going to be a long one).

Brace yourselves for a rant. (Cut me some slack, I haven’t had a good one in…

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